Who is Zooni Haksar from Article 370 in Real Life? Her Actual Photo and Details

Zooni Haksar Real : After watching Article 370, lot of you came across the fearless and lead character Zooni Haksar represented by Yami Gautam who worked as Intelligence Agent to handle ground work in Kashmir during abrogation of an Article 370. Now, let solve the most asked question that who is Zooni Haksar in real life? Lot of you are interested to see Zooni Haksar real life photo too.

Who is Zooni Haksar?

zooni haksar real photo

Zooni Haksar is reel life movie character which represented the Kashmir’s operation head of the National Intelligence Agent during abrogation of Article 370. In movie, Zooni Haksar was appointed by Rajeshwari Swaminathan from PMO (Prime Minister Office) for mission of taking control over Kashmir to avoid more conflict. Prime Goal of Zooni Haksar and team was to find head of the Kashmir separatist organization, block terror funding and control local mob to avoid more conflic as soon as Article 370 gets abrogated.

Zooni Haksar had past trauma. Her father was named into Bank Scam performed by CM of Kashmir and politicians. After false allegations, her father was found dead on Dal Lake. Zooni was devasted in her childhood seeing her father dead with remarks of being fraudster. That was the prime reason why she was supporting abrogation of Article 370 and never wanted to visit Kashmir again untill and unless Central Government takes control of the state.

Being a spy was not easy. Zooni had to face a lot of tough situations. Sometimes, she didn’t follow the rules exactly, which got her into trouble. But, she always did what she thought was right to protect her country.

Who is Zooni Haksar in Real Life?

There is no official information released by central government about who was leading all those ground operations during abrogation of Article 370. The Muslim character of Zooni Haksar representing the work of NIA was made to audience realize that even local of Kashmir and Muslims do support abrogation of Article 370 due to the mismanagement and politics in Kashmir.

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Zooni Haksar performed by Yami Gautam represented the NIA in movie who successfully managed ground operations in Kashmir without causing any casualties.

There is no such exact person on which this actual character of Zooni Haksar was introduced, instead, it is just fictional character to represent the work of NIA.

Is there any Zooni Haksar Real Photo?

zooni haksar real photo

As Zooni Haksar is fictional character represents the work and operation of NIA. So, there is no such actual person exist and thus there is no real photo of her.

Home Minister of India Amit Shah’s Original Speech while announcing Article 370 Abrogation Bill

Explanation About Article 370

article 370

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution was a law that played a pivotal role in the political and constitutional landscape of India, particularly concerning the state of Jammu and Kashmir. This article, often a subject of intense debate and discussion, shaped the relationship between Jammu and Kashmir and the rest of India for several decades. Understanding Article 370, its historical context, implications, and eventual revocation in 2019, is crucial for comprehending the contemporary political dynamics of the region.

1947Accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India: Maharaja Hari Singh signs the Instrument of Accession, joining India under certain conditions.
1950Inclusion of Article 370 in the Indian Constitution: Grants special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir, allowing it to have its own constitution and autonomy over internal matters except defense, foreign affairs, finance, and communications.
1954Presidential Order of 1954: Extends Indian citizenship to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir and grants the Indian Parliament the power to legislate in the state on a limited number of matters.
1957Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir Comes into Effect: Further solidifies the special status of the state.
1964-1980sGradual Erosion of Article 370: Through a series of Presidential Orders, the autonomy of Jammu and Kashmir is gradually reduced.
1980s-2000sRise of Insurgency and Increased Turmoil: The region witnesses growing unrest and militancy.
2019Revocation of Article 370: On August 5, the President of India issues an order effectively abrogating Article 370, followed by the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, passed by the Parliament, bifurcating the state into two Union Territories – Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.
2023Supreme Court Verdict: The Supreme Court of India upholds the constitutionality of the abrogation of Article 370.
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Historical Context

To understand Article 370, one must delve into the history of the Indian subcontinent’s partition in 1947. When British India was divided into India and Pakistan, the princely states, including Jammu and Kashmir, were given the option to join either nation. Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, initially chose to remain independent but later acceded to India in October 1947, following an invasion by tribal militias from Pakistan.

The Birth of Article 370

Article 370 was incorporated into the Indian Constitution to accommodate the special circumstances of Jammu and Kashmir’s accession to India. Drafted by Gopalaswami Ayyangar, the article granted the state a significant degree of autonomy. Under this provision, Jammu and Kashmir were allowed to have its own constitution, flag, and autonomy over internal matters, except in defense, foreign affairs, finance, and communications, which remained under the Indian Union’s jurisdiction.

Special Provisions and Autonomy

The special status meant that Jammu and Kashmir could make its own laws in all areas except those ceded to the Union government. Indian citizens from other states could not purchase land or settle in Jammu and Kashmir. This special provision fostered a sense of distinct identity within the state and was seen by many as a bridge that connected the region with the rest of India.

Contentions and Criticisms

However, Article 370 was not without its critics. Many argued that it hindered the integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India and fueled separatist sentiments. The inability of non-residents to own property in the state was seen as a barrier to economic development. Furthermore, the special status was viewed by some as discriminatory against women of the state and refugees from West Pakistan.

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The Revocation of Article 370

The landmark decision to revoke Article 370 came on August 5, 2019. The President of India issued an order, effectively abrogating the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. This move was followed by the passage of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, by the Parliament of India, which bifurcated the state into two Union Territories – Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.

Legal and Constitutional Perspectives

The revocation of Article 370 was a complex legal process. It involved the issuance of a Presidential Order under Article 370(3), which required the concurrence of the state government. However, since Jammu and Kashmir were under President’s Rule at the time, this concurrence was provided by the Governor, acting on behalf of the state government. This legal maneuver was both lauded and criticized by legal experts and political analysts.

Impact on Jammu and Kashmir

The abrogation of Article 370 has had far-reaching implications for Jammu and Kashmir. It has opened the door for non-residents to own property and has brought the state’s laws in line with the rest of India. The move has been welcomed by some as a step towards greater integration of the region with India and economic development. However, it has also been met with apprehension and resistance within the region, with concerns about potential demographic changes and loss of cultural identity.

National and International Reactions

The decision evoked a mixed response both nationally and internationally. While many in India viewed it as a bold and necessary step, others expressed concerns over the manner in which it was carried out, including the communication blackout and security lockdown imposed in the region. Internationally, the move drew attention, with several countries and international organizations calling for restraint and respect for human rights.


The revocation of Article 370 marks a new chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir. While it has the potential to bring economic growth and closer integration with India, it also raises questions about federalism, autonomy, and the handling of sensitive regional issues. The long-term impact of this decision on the region’s stability, development, and the very fabric of India’s democracy rem

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